A Senshi's Tale.

	Sailor Galaxia is one of the few senshi you won't find fanfics about on 
the net. (At least I haven't!) It seemed about time to get her a fanfic. In the 
manga, she mentions that her home was destroyed. I'm sorry, but that just 
presented way to many possibilities to the writers mind! Saturn being my 
favorite senshi, and the bringer of the Armageddon, it just fit too well. Any 
comments about the story of the senshi of gold? E-mail me! (Please? she added 
in a meek voice...) I do want to know what people think, and advice is more 
than welcomed. When the school gets an e-mail system on-line, other authors out 
there will be hearing from me....
The scene with Chi and Phi is not a direct translation or even interpretation 
of the manga. I simply wanted to outline the time and events that had taken 

Please read my friend Rei's Galaxia fanfic, inspired by the song `Golden Queen 
Galaxia.' It's really good!

I have E-Mail!!! I'm: tomoechan@hotmail.com

A Senshi's Tale.

*In the void of Space sat the lone senshi, the warrior without a home. Like All 
senshi, her destiny was laid out to her. It was in some vague thought of her 
mind, some remembering piece of her soul, that spoke of her fate, the fate she 
had chosen. She alone knew it, and she alone would take it to the grave. She 
had chosen to be strong. She had chosen this Destiny. She would take it to the 
end, beyond infinity and forever.*

The Present.

	She sat alone in her room, her eyes closed. She breathed quietly, the 
immense golden throne easily supporting her weight. Her gold fuku rose and fell 
with her chest, her mind clear and focus. At her minds commanded, the door 
opened, and the servants, who had wisely sat there, waiting, were allowed to 
enter. Chi and Phi walked in.
	"Galaxia-sama, we beg forgiveness for the failures of Lethe and 
Mnemosyne. We have brought you their crystals," The two figures lifted their 
hands, and the two crystals floated to the much larger one. She looked into 
them, one sparkling back a deep green, the other a light pink.
	"So beautiful...the light of the stars. I will have them all. Every star 
seed, the Sailor Crystals...."
	"We have also brought you the crystals of the Starlights, Galaxia-same. 
They are yours..." The three other crystals also joined the larger one.
	"Leave me."
	"Yes, Galaxia-sama." The two bowed deeply then turned to walk away. After 
the door closed, she turned to look and the massive glowing crystal. Frowning, 
she placed her hand on it and delved into it.

	Energies surrounded her, most attacking her. The changing lights and 
colours would disorient most senshi, but Galaxia stood firm. Each brilliant 
burst of energy attempted to defeat her. She raised her hand and a gold field 
of energy surrounded her, knocking the colours effortlessly away. Above her 
shone three orbs of black energy, each giving off just the faintest undertones 
of other colours, purple, blue, and green. She put one hand into a fist over 
her sapphire, the other over the first, and began to rise. In moments, the 
glowing orbs were around her. She shot her hand out of the field and the three 
orbs obligingly floated to her hands.
	"Still powerless... a while longer and you would be lost...." Carefully, 
she closed her eyes, and the gold field expanded until she was once more in her 
throne room, the Sailor Starlight's crystals clattering to the floor. 

	Galaxia turned and sat down. Raising her hand, the three crystals floated 
in front of her. Her sapphire glowed for a moment, and the three crystals fell 
into it and disappeared. She reached down and pulled the broach off her chest, 
her henshin instantly disappearing into golden ribbons. She looked into the 
crystal. Each facet shone light back at her for a moment before the figure 
inside began to appear. In one, she could make out the unconscious forms of 
Jupiter and Mercury, in another, Mars and Venus. In the two corner ones, Uranus 
and Neptune lay separately, but, each hand reaching out to the prone figure of 
the other. Galaxia frowned. She had been sure they hadn't been lying like that 
before. In the one closest to the top lay Sailor Pluto, the Garnet Orb and 
Keystaff lying at her side. At the base, the Sailor Starlights had begun to 
reform. She watched them for a moment until the crystal glowed, confirming that 
they were completely bound to her.  In the center facet lay the sleeping 
Saturn. Galaxia remembered the soldier of Destruction much differently, not 
this poor little child who had gotten into an impossible war some previous 
version of her had always fought. Barely a child, even. Not the cold fierce 
fighter of Millenniums past. Saturn had given no sign of recognition when she 
was captured, no sign of knowing the senshi that had sought to kill her. She 
could hardly be expected to remember however. She was just a child.

The Past.

	Winds raged with beserker fury, screaming like the banshees foretelling 
of death. It had been the first sign of trouble. She had been combing her hair, 
her long, lustrous hair, as she was so fond of it, when the court had begun 
	"Galaxy Star Crystal Make Up!" She had shouted, raising her broach from 
the table, the metal bands of gold formed around her, finally forming her fuku. 
She raced down the stairs. Everyone was running. She pulled one of her consorts 
	"Vestain, what's going on?"
	"Princess... did you not see?" He asked incredulously.
	"No, I did not." She replied simply. He shook his head and pointed. The 
wars had long since overtaken Galaxy Star, when the soldier of Chaos appeared, 
destroying everything in its path. She expected to see a messenger of Chaos, a 
looming dark figure, but instead came forth the shadow of a small woman, hair 
dark as ash, with eyes the stared with a burning intensity even through the 
darkness of the shadows. Everyone was still milling around her, screaming, but 
the senshi of gold stood, transfixed by this child that had sent her court 
	"Who are you," she called from the balcony, "And by what right do you 
come to the peaceful Galaxy Star?" She watched as Vestain gagged and bit his 
lip. He bowed once and ran in fear.
	"I come by the rights of my home planet, to end this world. I am the 
guardian soldier of destruction," she said, pausing as she raised her left 
hand. A silver stream of light and sparkles trickled down from some unknown 
force, finally crystallizing into a curved blade. "And," she said, finally 
walking into the light, "I am known as Sailor Saturn."

	The soldier of Destruction and the soldier of Gold faced off evenly.
	"Why have you come?"
	"Surely, you know." The senshis face did not change.
	"You may not destroy this world."
	"If I do not, Chaos will."
	"Then why you?"
	"There is one thing left on this world, one fate that the future needs. 
The Gates of Time have shown me this. If it does not stop here, Chaos will 
	"You seek to destroy Chaos?"
	"I have not the power. But there is another."
	"She lives not yet. Her eyes have not yet opened to the worlds, yet when 
they do they shall be known as the eyes of Peace, and the future can be good."
	"Seek her then. Why do you come for me? Or is it even me you have come 
	"It is you, soldier of the Galaxies, Sailor Galaxia."
	"I am called Sailor Galaxy Star."
	"For now. If you will, that may change."
	"Of what importance am I to you, Saturn?"
	"The one I have told you off. You show her hope, in the last minute 
against Chaos. You give her the strength she needs, the realization that she 
can win. That she must win. If you had not been there, others would be. They 
would fall, but not until she fell, as it will be Chaos' plan. If they fell 
first, the one I have spoken of would fight on, if only to save them."
	"Then I'll give this `one' an inspiration speech and move on."
	"You don't understand."
	"Explain it to me."

	"Chaos wants you to die today. Not want it, if you will, but needs it. 
But it can't know that. Do you wish to know, how the battle goes?"

	Instantly, the ballroom disappeared, and was replaced with her standing 
on the cliff. She looked different now, a crown upon her head, her eyes having 
long since grown sharp.

And she dropped a man off a cliff.

Then, it was later. A sailor soldier was… saving her, in a way, to stop Chaos. 
But it… it…

Killed her.

She choked with the sudden realization.
	"So...that's what you want. For the final peace. You want 
me...to....to....join that?! The future can be saved only by my own defeat?" 
She pointed at the black mass swirling off in the distance.
	"If you do not, the destruction of the Galaxy will come. Each soldier 
grows with their star until they have become the guardian warrior of that star. 
You must save the galaxy, lay down your life for it, if you will. That is why 
you become `Sailor Galaxia.' Only you know the true meaning of your name. The 
one whose sacrifice will save the Galaxy."
	"You ask me to sacrifice myself for worlds I have never seen...places, 
people..." she stopped, a tear dripping down and splashing on her sapphire. 
"for everything...." Saturn didn't move as Sailor Galaxy Star cried. "You ask 
me to make a choice. To sacrifice everything I know for everything I do not."
	"There is always a sacrifice. This is your possible destiny. To lay down 
what you know, to save everything. Perhaps they will never thank you, Galaxy. 
But, you will see them smile, and you will know in your heart what you have 
done. And even if you can't have them thank you, you will always know, and in 
the part of the soul that knows the answers to life and death, they will thank 
you for a second chance. My destiny is to end everything before they can be 
turned to evil, and then always feel the small speck of good, and feel pain for 
what they are. You offer the same choice. You can always let them know what 
they could have been, and what they are not."
	"Arise. You are truly of the Galaxies, Sailor Galaxia." And with that, 
she touched the Silence Glaive once to her shoulder, and her tiara reformed 
into a golden crown. "Perhaps we will meet again. And perhaps I won't remember 
you. But in my soul, in my unchanging heart, I thank you, Sailor Galaxia. As 
does everyone, now...."

The Future.

	"And forever."

	Drifting in the endless seas of Beginnings, the spirit of Sailor Galaxia 
stirred at the sound of her own voice, her own memories. Touching her head for 
a moment, she knew. She was once more as she should be. She was free in her own 
soul. She had been taken by Chaos and killed, but in the white light of Sailor 
Cosmos she knew the time for her to return was coming. Galaxy Star would be 
restored, and finally, finally, after all the years of searching...

She could go home.

	She sat once more on her throne, the Queen of Galaxy Star. Her planet was 
barren of life, except for its lone soldier, but she stood proudly. It had 
become the paradise it had once been, before ravaged by the destructive Chaos. 
Today, the gold hall shone once more, grandly making its way for its first 
visitor in over a millennium.
	"Sailor Saturn," said the Queen, smiling at the sight of the other 
	"Welcome home, Sailor Galaxia."


	She walked alone in the streets, covered by a black cloak. On every 
corner of Crystal Tokyo, children laughed and sang, lovers smiled, and a 
rainbow reflected out of a waterfall. Galaxia stopped as a child tripped over 
her foot. Giving him her hand, she knelt down and helped him up.
	"Thanks miss!" He called as he galloped away. She rose her hand once, and 
waved at the fading form of the child. down the street, the royal procession 
had begun, the Queen passing her by, not recognizing the figure who did not 
stand out in the crowd. But, she reflected peacefully to herself, perhaps it 
did not matter.
In the part of the soul that knows the answers to life and death, they would 
thank her for another chance. In their hearts, they know what could have been, 
and what they are not.

	And in the royal procession, as each of the senshi walked by, each 
clothed in garments rich in their own colours, only Saturn paused at the 
cloaked figure, and gave a brief nod to her, and walked on. Silently, she 
nodded back, and for the first time since she had seen Chaos, she smiled.

*Dedicated to all those that do for others from the shadows.*



    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/garden/6372

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